Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Chef's wine glass Le verre du Chef 12"x10" 30cmx25cm Oil on canvas

The Chef's wine glass

This preparatin for a meal became a painting
Cheers !

La preparation d'un repas devient une peinture
A la votre !

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

4 Oil paintings on gessoed board

Maise field 45cmx33cm  18"x13"
Starting Planting 40cmx30cm    16x12"
This year blossom of my palmtree
A corner of my garden 42cmx33cm 17"x13"

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

THE BUNS AT TEA TIME (brioches in French) 13"x18" 33cmx46cm

Tea Time

A setting at my painting class, then the buns were eaten! a delight...
Now I am pleased with this reult as this is the direction I want to take with my futur paintings :brighter,purer colors and a stronger drawing.

Des brioches a la classe d'art de Tilly (Valognes) ,un regal pour notre the! Je suis contente du resultat car le dessin est present,les couleurs plus pures et plud fortes.

Monday, February 29, 2016

The damaged brass jug and oranges 15"x18" 38cmx46cm

This is a classic setting -which I have tried to avoid recently - but this damaged brass jug must have touched me... and of course the light on it and the reflexion of the fruits was an interesting challenge. This painting was done in 2 sessions of 3hours.
Un challenge interessant que donne  cette nature morte  , lumiere et reflexion des fruits  sur le cuivre .
Ce travail a ete fait en 2 seances de 3 heures.
The brass jug with oranges  (sold)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

This summer 2015 Few paintings and the artist in action!

Le chemin de Port Levy 60cmx34cm
La Pointe de Jonville 40cmx50cm

Cosqueville village et la plage 40cmx20cm

Jonville plage 65cmx50cm
L'artiste 2015

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Corn field summer 2015 14"x18" 35cmx46cm

Corn field
 I found difficult to decide when this painting should be finished (one of my recurrent problem!)  I liked what was at the top and bottom but never satisfied with the center which was after all the subject of this painting.After reworking it I felt good so this definitely told me this was the end.
 Underneath is one of the version  I rejected.

Version rejetee

Il m'est difficile de savoir quand une peinture est finie, je n'etais pas satisfaite avec le champ de mais, sujet de ce tableau. J'ai retouche plusieurs fois celui-ci  pour enfin arriver a la version du haut qui me plait!